Het volgende is het onbewerkte script dat is gegenereerd door de transaction recorder in de oefening Het klikpad van de winkelwagengebruiker vastleggen . Als u geen eigen script heeft gemaakt aan de hand van de tutorial, kunt u dit script gebruiken om het onderdeel testen en bewerken van de tutorial te volgen.
Het script in uw transactiecontroleregel invoeren:
- Kopieer onderstaande code.
- Ga naar het tabblad Stappen van uw transactiecontroleregel.
- Klik rechtsboven op de knop .
- Plak de code in de editor.
- Klik op .
"steps": [
"name": "Go to start URL",
"ignoreErrors": false,
"recordWaterfall": false,
"actions": [
{ "navigate":
"url": "https://www.galacticshirts.com/"
"name": "GalacticShirts.com - Shop cosmiclicious apparel",
"ignoreErrors": false,
"recordWaterfall": false,
"collectPageSource": false,
"actions": [
"click": {
"element": {
"xpath": "(//img[contains(@src,'https://www.galacticshirts.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/tshirt-suraya-300x300.png')])[1]",
"alternatives": [
"xpath": "(//img[contains(@src,'https://www.galacticshirts.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/tshirt-suraya-300x300.png')])[1]",
"name": "xpath:img"
"xpath": "(//main[@id='main']/section/div/ul/li/a/img)[1]",
"name": "xpath:idRelative"
"css": ".storefront-product-section:nth-child(2) .post-130 .attachment-woocommerce_thumbnail",
"name": "css:finder"
"shadowRoots": []
"name": "\"What Happens\" t-shirt | GalacticShirts.com",
"ignoreErrors": false,
"recordWaterfall": false,
"actions": [
"set": {
"value": "l",
"isPassword": false,
"element": {
"css": "#pa_size"
"click": {
"element": {
"css": "#pa_size"
"description": "Click on an element \"Choose an option\""
"set": {
"value": "2",
"isPassword": false,
"element": {
"css": "input#quantity_6346b8b92ac97",
"alternatives": [
"css": "input#quantity_6346b8b92ac97",
"name": "id"
"css": "input[name=\"quantity\"]",
"name": "name"
"xpath": "(//input[@id='quantity_6346b8b92ac97'])[1]",
"name": "xpath:attributes"
"xpath": "(//div[@id='product-130']/div[2]/form/div/div[2]/div/input)[1]",
"name": "xpath:idRelative"
"css": "#quantity_6346b8b92ac97",
"name": "css:finder"
"shadowRoots": []
"description": "Set element (quantity_6346b8b92ac97) to '2'"
"click": {
"element": {
"css": "#quantity_5d3f4b334e9d1"
"description": "Click on an element (quantity_5d3f4b334e9d1)"
"click": {
"element": {
"css": "button.single_add_to_cart_button.button.alt"
"description": "Click on a button (Add to cart)"
"testDocumentContent": {
"value": "added to your cart",
"testType": "Contains",
"description": "Content check"
"click": {
"element": {
"css": "div.woocommerce-message > a.button.wc-forward"
"description": "Click on a hyperlink (View cart)"
"name": "Cart | GalacticShirts.com",
"ignoreErrors": false,
"recordWaterfall": false,
"actions": [
"set": {
"value": "1",
"isPassword": false,
"element": {
"css": "#quantity_5d3f4dbc85bab"
"description": "Set element (quantity_5d3f4dbc85bab) to '1'"
"click": {
"element": {
"css": "button[name=\"update_cart\"]"
"description": "Click on a button (Update cart)"
"testDocumentContent": {
"value": "Cart updated",
"testType": "Contains",
"description": "Content check"
"click": {
"element": {
"css": "a.remove"
"description": "Click on a hyperlink (×)"
"testDocumentContent": {
"value": "your cart is currently empty",
"testType": "Contains",
"description": "Content check"