Het volgende is het onbewerkte script dat is gegenereerd door de transaction recorder in de oefening Het klikpad van de winkelwagengebruiker vastleggen . Als u geen eigen script heeft gemaakt aan de hand van de tutorial, kunt u dit script gebruiken om het onderdeel testen en bewerken van de tutorial te volgen.

Het script in uw transactiecontroleregel invoeren:

  1. Kopieer onderstaande code.
  2. Ga naar het tabblad Stappen van uw transactiecontroleregel.
  3. Klik rechtsboven op de knop Naar script schakelen.
  4. Plak de code in de editor.
  5. Klik op Naar visuele editor schakelen.
  "steps": [ 
      "name": "Go to start URL",
      "ignoreErrors": false,
      "recordWaterfall": false,
      "actions": [
        { "navigate": 
            "url": "https://www.galacticshirts.com/"
      "name": "GalacticShirts.com - Shop cosmiclicious apparel",
      "ignoreErrors": false,
      "recordWaterfall": false,
      "collectPageSource": false,
      "actions": [
          "click": {
            "element": {
              "xpath": "(//img[contains(@src,'https://www.galacticshirts.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/tshirt-suraya-300x300.png')])[1]",
              "alternatives": [
                  "xpath": "(//img[contains(@src,'https://www.galacticshirts.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/tshirt-suraya-300x300.png')])[1]",
                  "name": "xpath:img"
                  "xpath": "(//main[@id='main']/section/div/ul/li/a/img)[1]",
                  "name": "xpath:idRelative"
                  "css": ".storefront-product-section:nth-child(2) .post-130 .attachment-woocommerce_thumbnail",
                  "name": "css:finder"
              "shadowRoots": []
      "name": "\"What Happens\" t-shirt | GalacticShirts.com",
      "ignoreErrors": false,
      "recordWaterfall": false,
      "actions": [
          "set": {
            "value": "l",
            "isPassword": false,
            "element": {
              "css": "#pa_size"
          "click": {
            "element": {
              "css": "#pa_size" 
            "description": "Click on an element \"Choose an option\""
          "set": {
            "value": "2",
            "isPassword": false,
            "element": {
              "css": "input#quantity_6346b8b92ac97",
              "alternatives": [
                  "css": "input#quantity_6346b8b92ac97",
                  "name": "id"
                  "css": "input[name=\"quantity\"]",
                  "name": "name"
                  "xpath": "(//input[@id='quantity_6346b8b92ac97'])[1]",
                  "name": "xpath:attributes"
                  "xpath": "(//div[@id='product-130']/div[2]/form/div/div[2]/div/input)[1]",
                  "name": "xpath:idRelative"
                  "css": "#quantity_6346b8b92ac97",
                  "name": "css:finder"
              "shadowRoots": []
            "description": "Set element (quantity_6346b8b92ac97) to '2'"
          "click": {
            "element": {
              "css": "#quantity_5d3f4b334e9d1"
            "description": "Click on an element (quantity_5d3f4b334e9d1)"
        "click": {
          "element": {
            "css": "button.single_add_to_cart_button.button.alt"
          "description": "Click on a button (Add to cart)"
        "testDocumentContent": {
          "value": "added to your cart",
          "testType": "Contains",
          "description": "Content check"
        "click": {  
          "element": {                
            "css": "div.woocommerce-message > a.button.wc-forward"              
          "description": "Click on a hyperlink (View cart)"            
    "name": "Cart | GalacticShirts.com",        
    "ignoreErrors": false,        
    "recordWaterfall": false,        
    "actions": [          
        "set": {              
          "value": "1",              
          "isPassword": false,              
          "element": {                
            "css": "#quantity_5d3f4dbc85bab"              
          "description": "Set element (quantity_5d3f4dbc85bab) to '1'"            
        "click": {              
          "element": {                
            "css": "button[name=\"update_cart\"]"              
          "description": "Click on a button (Update cart)"            
        "testDocumentContent": {              
          "value": "Cart updated",              
          "testType": "Contains",              
          "description": "Content check"            
          "click": {              
            "element": {                
              "css": "a.remove"              
            "description": "Click on a hyperlink (×)"            
          "testDocumentContent": {              
          "value": "your cart is currently empty",              
          "testType": "Contains",              
          "description": "Content check"            
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